Friday 7 September 2018

Making a Paper Plane

Hi, today I researched how to make a paper plane. I have made a presentation of the instructions. When you have had a go, let me know how your plane flew, and maybe send me a photo. Smart Blogging.

Friday 24 August 2018

Coco Crunch Webpage

Hi,Today we made a website title page about the new CoCo Crunch. I used the magic land for my background. It taste like real chocolate was my phrase to get people to buy it. I used a  mega cool penguin .as the character and gave the buyers the opportunity to design your own box and to enter the great crunch contest. Would you buy this product with this advertising? Happy blogging.

Friday 17 August 2018


Hi, we have been learning about Netiquette Do you know what Netiquette is ? Are you a good blogger? I’ve made this Infographic to show you what I think netiquette is. Smart blogging

Monday 7 May 2018

All about me

Hi, My name Is Mariah and I am a year 7 at Westland high. I am the second oldest in my family. I have three sisters, one brother, cat and one dog. In my free time, I like to hang out with my family, friends, and pets. I am good at netball, cooking, and fishing. I enjoy Play netball and basketball as a sport with my family. I Also like cooking and fishing. I am looking ford to art and cooking this Year.